Gum disease negatively affects oral health and also overall health. People experiencing gum disease will have gum tissue that is red, puffy and bleeds; there may even be pus that comes out from around the teeth- afterall gum disease is considered an infection of the gum tissue. In addition, gum disease causes bad breath and affects the appearance of your smile. The infection may be "localized" to one area of the mouth or may be widespread, affecting each tooth and the surrounding gums. If left untreated at the earlier stages, getting gum disease under control can become more difficult and involved, potentially leading to lost teeth.
Dentists always recommend their patients treat gum disease, such as gingivitis and periodontitis, at the earliest to avoid complications in the future. Once you develop periodontitis, the disease can be treated and controlled, but not cured completely. Fortunately, treatments for gum disease, combined with good oral hygiene and a healthy diet, can improve the health of the gums and successfully manage the disease.
SRP stands for Scaling and Root Planing. It is a non- surgical gum and bone (periodontal) therapy that is recommended for people with gum disease.
Your dental hygienist will give you anesthetic to make sure you are comfortably numb. The hygienist will then deep clean around the teeth and gums to remove plaque, bacteria and calculus (also known as tartar), that causes inflammation.
Yes. After your SRP appointment(s) you will return to the office in 3 months for a follow-up. This appointment is called a periodontal maintenance. The hygienist will evaluate the tissue, take measurements of the gums to determine how the mouth is responding to treatment and clean the teeth. If any areas are not responding, they may deep clean those areas again. After the completion of SRP you will see the hygienist every 3 months for at least the first year and possibly after.
Deep cleanings are recommended when gum disease is present. Gum disease left untreated can spread, cause infections and cause teeth to eventually fall out. Our goal for all of our patients is to have healthy teeth and mouths.
Any other questions? Give us a call! 262 634-8662
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call us at (262) 217-7764, and we will be happy to help!